

An Untapped Talent PoolThe Arc - Employers

Neurodiversity is the viewpoint that neurological differences should be recognized and respected as a human variation. Neurodiverse individuals comprise a large talent pool that brings strengths such as creative thinking, focus and attention to detail, and commitment to any team. Unfortunately, in the typical hiring process many companies miss out on this untapped talent pool. That’s where we come in!


Identify – Prepare – Support

Using a proven methodology used at companies such as Dell, SAP, JP Morgan/Chase and EY, The Arc’s employment team uses a customized approach to meet business needs with qualified neurodiverse talent—we work to identify, prepare, and support neurodiverse individuals in identified roles within your company.


What we do

  • Information gathering to understand the skill profiles of identified roles at your company
  • Recruiting qualified neurodiverse individuals that best fit the roles identified
  • Social skills training for the workplace sets the groundwork and expectations for employment in a professional environment
  • Custom project is designed based on feedback from hiring managers so candidates can demonstrate core technical skills
  • Employment of neurodiverse individuals is supported by The Arc through trained job coaches


Why support neurodiversity at your company?

  • Retention and loyalty
  • New perspectives
  • Broad positive impact on entire workforce
  • Learn support practices beneficial for all employees


Let’s talk about bringing neurodiversity to your company.
Contact Amber Nelson