
Medicaid Waiver Employment Services

The Arc of the Capital Area provides comprehensive employment services, funded through the HCS and CLASS Medicaid waivers, to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The goal of our services is to help individuals find and maintain competitive integrated employment that is aligned with their unique strengths, abilities, priorities and interests. These services are only available to individuals on the HCS Medicaid waiver.



Supported Employment


Assistance provided to sustain competitive employment for individuals who require intensive, ongoing support:

  • Employment adaptations, supervision and training related to an individual’s disability.
  • Training in work-related tasks.
  • Training or consulting with personnel or support systems to ensure job retention.
  • Communicating with managers and support systems to ensure job retention.
Please complete the Employment Services Interest Form if you would like more information or to receive services. 



Employment Assistance


Assistance provided to an individual to help them locate paid, competitive employment in the community:

  • Identifying employment preferences, job skills, and work conditions.
  • Assessing individual’s strengths, challenges, transferable skills, needed accommodations and on-site supports.
  • Locating prospective employers offering suitable employment.
  • Job development.
  • Interview support.
  • Job task analysis.
Please complete the Employment Services Interest Form if you would like more information or to receive services. 


Contact information:

Olivia Gutierrez
Director of Employment & Education

Christina Haas, MSW
Program Manager

*If your HCS or CLASS Direct Service Agency is interested in contracting with The Arc of the Capital Area for Employment Services,  please contact Olivia Gutierrez